We don't get a lot of snow in Middle Tennessee. But Friday night before I went to bed, I noticed that it was snowing very prettily outside, large fluffy flakes that were sticking to the trees and fences. When I woke up Saturday morning, I was delighted to see some remaining snow on the ground. Since snow is pretty rare around here, and it was melting fast as the day warmed up (ahead of the Zoo Run Run), I decided to take a few pictures. The eaves and branches were already dripping with sparkling drops of melting snow. It was very still out, and the remaining snow laying quietly on everything.
The branches of the rose bushes had a fluffy blanket of sparkly snow. You can tell how still it was by the amount of snow piled on such thin branches.
The bluebird box with it's cap of snow looked snug, and picturesque against the fence.
The crepe mrytles were glittering with little ice crystals.
And here comes Simon the Wonder Cat, picking his way through the snow! He went directly from the back door, around the house to the front door, so I guess he wasn't really interested in exploring the cold, wet yard.
The privet along the north side of the house looked like someone had taken one of those snow blowers that they use for Christmas trees to it.
And don't worry! Simon made it to the front porch with only slight dampening!
He nearly knocked me over going back into the house. I guess he was not as enamored of the snow as I was.
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